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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Drive Application

Drive Application

Q Part 1: Flow Test Table Date Time Activity of this time Feeling In flow or not 17th July 2019 7:25 At Gym Disturbed due to the timer In flow 17th July 2019 10:45 On way to work Felt uncomfortable due to the timer In flow 17th July 2019 13:15 Working on personal computer I felt a bit distracted In flow 17th July 2019 15:00 Describing the new technique to a junior employee Very disturbed due to the timer as it was the first day In flow 17th July 2019 17:30 In a coffee break with colleague I am relaxed and note everything In flow 17th July 2019 19:00 Reading a journal Distracted from reading In flow 17th July 2019 21:45 Watching an old football match Unwillingly paused the match and noted down everything In flow 17th July 2019 23:20 Preparing for sleep Disturbed Not in flow 18th July 2019 6:40 In hospital to see a close friend who was having some problem Felt much embarrassed for the timer In flow 18th July 2019 9:30 Working out Got distracted In flow 18th July 2019 12:50 Discussing about a project Took break from discussion and noted the points In flow 18th July 2019 14:45 Eating lunch Saved the note in mobile and continue eating Not in flow 18th July 2019 17:30 scrolling the newsfeed in a social media idly Actively note down everything Not in flow 18th July 2019 19:25 Reading news paper Unwilling to close the newspaper but ultimately paused reading and took note In flow 18th July 2019 21:00 Talking to my parents over the phone I was busy and felt completely distracted In flow 18th July 2019 23:15 Listening to the songs of John Lennon At this point, the timer was disturbing In flow 19th July 2019 6:45 Working out at gym a bit disturbed In flow 19th July 2019 9:15 Having breakfast In fresh mood, took the note Not in flow 19th July 2019 12:00 Doing online research about positive organizational behavior Felt distracted In flow 19th July 2019 15:00 Working on my laptop Felt distracted In flow 19th July 2019 17:45 Entering records in the excel sheet Much disturbed In flow 19th July 2019 19:25 Was in office cab returning home Embarrassed Not in flow 19th July 2019 21:15 Reading a weekly article Felt distracted In flow 23:45 Almost slept Very disturbed Not in flow 19th July 2019 7:00 Working out at gym Very disturbed In flow 20th July 2019 8:25 Preparing breakfast In flow 20th July 2019 11:35 Talking to an old friend over the video chat Felt distracted In flow 20th July 2019 15:50 Working on a project Very disturbed In flow 20th July 2019 18:20 Working on the excel sheet Felt distracted In flow 20th July 2019 19:55 Having a coffee with a colleague As we are discussing about this assignment, I felt happy due it the timer Not in flow 20th July 2019 21:10 Making dinner Disturbed In flow 20th July 2019 23:40 Reading about online marketing in internet Felt distracted In flow 21st July 2019 5:55 Preparing to go to the gym In flow 21st July 2019 7:00 Making breakfast seeing YouTube Felt distracted In flow 21st July 2019 9:40 Going through an online article Felt distracted In flow 21st July 2019 12:30 Discussing what to watch Netflix with my friend Much embarrassed Not in flow 21st July 2019 15:00 Eating pizza with friend Felt uneasy Not in flow 21st July 2019 18:10 Idly putting a story in social media Really disturbed Not in flow 21st July 2019 20:40 Playing an online game Disturbed as it spoiled my concentration In flow 21st July 2019 23:40 Sleeping Very much disturbed but felt good as it is finally completed Not in flow ? Part 2: Flow Test Analysis Question 1: Which moments produced feelings of “flow”? Where were you? What were you working on? Who were you with?

Q Question 2: Are certain times of day more flow-friendly than others? How could you restructure your day based on your findings? Question 3: How might you increase the number of optimal experiences and reduce the moments when you felt disengaged or distracted?Question 4: If you’re having doubts about your job or career, what does this exercise tell you about your true source of intrinsic motivation?

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The moments in which I was working in office and I was spending time with my close people were the moments produced flow. The time which I spend for me also produced much flow in these days and always. For example, the time I spend in office had high flow. The times when I used to chat in call and face to face produced flow as well. The time I spend when I was in gym also signifies the same. I was either with my colleagues or with my close ones or I was busy in personal care and got much disturbed due to the timers.